4 sessions:
This is a 4 session series in which each meeting will be 1 hour and 15 minutes of focused work on making you move better and more efficiently. You will be covering specific movements within each session. Really dive into the stuff we just don't have time to cover during regular class schedule.
The 4 dates:
Sunday August 18th @ 7:30am:
Sunday August 25th: @ 7:30am
Sunday September 8th: @ 7:30am
Sunday September 15th: @ 7:30am
What is this?
Each session will drill down into the basics of movement, provide skills and drills for you to use in progressing these movements and help you develop a detailed plan for elevating your game.
Coaches Erica and Liv have created detailed lesson plans to focus on the following:
Session 1: Pull Ups
Session 2: Toes to Bar
Session 3: Muscle Ups
Session 4: Handstands
What can I expect to work on?
​You will focus on progressions to get better. Whether you're trying to get these movements for the first time, or if you're looking at how to become more efficient, these sessions will help you focus on becoming better. There will be work to improve flexibility and range of motion. There will be an emphasis on positional strength. There will be programmed accessory movements with an aim to increase strength in the core.
I'm too old, I'm not a gymnast, I can't do this stuff...why would I need this?
LET'S CHANGE THAT! Let's work on helping you become more flexible, more powerful and gymnasty! Will you be in the Olympics, probably not, but you will have a chance to push your abilities, learn new skills and help you become a more well rounded fitness enthusiast. ;)
​Can I still take my regular CrossFit classes?
​ABSOLUTELY!!! This clinics are meant to supplement your regular training. We will be utilizing and expanding upon the movements regularly programmed through the CrossFit classes.
How much $ is it?
We are going to CAP this at 15 so sign up quick and lock in your spot. We are also going to price this in tiers so the more people you can get to come with you, the cheaper it will be ;)
The price is set and any adjustments to that will be credited back once the final roster size is determined.
$150/person (Breakdown: $37.50 per session)
$120/person (Breakdown: $30.00 per session)
$100/person (Breakdown: $25.00 per session)